Why Run Background Checks? Client Stories

Why run a background check? This is the question we get asked the most often by potential clients and the answer is simple peace of mind and safety. We have 2 client stories to share, both clients came to us after hiring people with records unbeknownst to them.

Client 1 hired an employee after doing a background check however they omitted a sex offender search. After hiring this person, they later found out that he was a registered sex offender. This is a big problem because of their proximity to a school. Had they done the national sex offender registry they would have never hired this person. They have now made this search a standard part of their order for every potential employee.

Client 2 has a very different story and one that is scary for any one in any industry when hiring a potential employee. This client came to us the day after a horrifying incident occurred at their site, an employee had been fired the day before and came back the next day and brutely abused a supervisor. When the police arrived, they showed the management staff multiple pages of records this person had. If HR had that information prior, they never would have hired them. They called us the day after the incident occurred to get setup to do background checks on all current staff and to continue running them on potential new hires. While on the phone with us they were at the hospital checking on their employee who had been severely injured and who required multiple surgeries over the next several months.